Hello readers!
Today i wanna talk about 9 unique houses in the world :D
Here’s the article about most unique houses in the world. As we know, people are different one another. Some of the people in the world like something unique and strange rather than something common and usual. Maybe there’s some main part of the usually house that kept existed, such as Kitchen Bathroom, living room and bed room. But we will be wondering is there any Shower Enclosure on these unique house? I guess not all these houses have one. So let’s take a look at the most unique houses in the world
9. UFO House in Taiwan
This UFO house in Taiwan look scary, but has confirmed there’s no Alien within
This kind of house also found in China. This house is part of the Taiwan government projects that can not be continued and finally let it become a ghost town.

Ufo House
8. Shoes House in Pennsylvania, United States
Seems to be a big fan of fairy tale live here. Shoes homes in Pennsylvania, United States form the shoe in all aspects, except the bottom of the shoes.

Shoes House
7. Hole House in Texas, United States
This hole house in Texas, the United States is likely an art project rather than a result of the extraordinary accident. Whatever it is, this house could be said unique. Isn’t It?

Hole House
6. Cob House in Vancouver, Canada
We have to be amazed that this cob House in Vancouver, Canada is made of pure clay, sand, straw and water.

Cob house
5. Dome House in Florida, United States
Dome House in Florida, United States, is the beautiful white house with unique dome architecture.

Dome House
4. Cubic House in Rotterdam, Netherlands
Cubic houses in Rotterdam, the Netherlands is a collection of houses that together form a geometric cube. Interesting factor here is how this house is maintained to keep from falling by balancing one another.

Cubic House
3. Crooked House in Sopot, Poland
You know that your looking at a real building right? The Crooked House was built in 2004 as an addition at a popular shopping center, and is a major tourist attraction in Sopot, Poland.

Crooked House
2. Stone House in Portugal
Stone house in Portugal is one of the best example of usage of the natural elements. It was unique when we see, but the house was indeed inhabited.

Stone house
1. Kettle House in Texas, United States
This Kettle House in Texas, United States not only just looks like a kettle, but it also can function properly as a house.

Kettle House
Have You ever seen other house that more unique than those most unique houses in the world?
HAHA , that's all about 9 unique houses in the world, pretty weird yeah? LOL :D
Hope you all enjoy this unique article, see you on my next post with another great article ;;)
xoxo, Jenn :)