Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sweet17th birthday celebration

Hello readers! ;)
How's life? fine huh?
Well, on last Sunday, I had celebrated my sweet 17th birthday :)
Such a great & awesome day for me & friends :D
I only invited my close friends & family, so we had our quality lunch at Nelayan Restaurant.
Captured lots of photos, thankyou to my little auntie Sese for helping me to captured my quality moments with my friends  :** 
so this is our photos :

 my cutee cousin, Jesslyn♥
with grandma & my little cuteee cosuin, Jesslyn♥
 with my mommy♥
 with my little auntie Sese // my photographer :* hahaa♥
 with my little brother♥

 with Feje

That's all some of our photos, more on my facebook ;)
Byee guys! ;)

"Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time."
--- Jean Paul Richter
xoxo, Jennifer